Masstransit Upgrade Guide Masstransit 6.0 For Mac

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ActivEcho Client: Windows 8 is supported by activEcho client 2.7 or later. Server: Windows 8 is not supported. ArchiveConnect AFP-based Servers: ExtremeZ-IP 8.0.3 or later is supported on Windows 8 for use with ArchiveConnect (see below). SMB-based Servers: Windows 8 has not yet been certified for compatibility with ArchiveConnect ExtremeZ-IP Server: Windows 8 is supported by ExtremeZ-IP 8.0.3 or later. MassTransit Server: Windows 8 is not supported.

Windows Web Client: Windows 8 is supported when using the MassTransit 7.2.7 or later web client. MobilEcho Server: Windows 8 is supported by mobilEcho 4.3 or later. Tags:, Posted in. We have tested the latest versions of the following products and found that they are compatible with OS X Mountain Lion: activEcho (tested 2.5) ArchiveConnect (test 1.2.5) ExtremeZ-IP (tested 8.0.1) MassTransit (tested 7.2.7 Web Client) mobilEcho is unaffected since it consists of server and mobile device components.

If you have any questions or find any issues with our products, please contact us at. For information on compatibility with the OS X 10.7 Lion release, please see Tags:, Posted in.

This page summarizes information about the latest server releases of MassTransit. Latest Version: The latest full version is MassTransit HP 7.2.7 for Windows 2003 / 2008 (all editions). It introduces many new features, bug fixes and security improvements.

For details please see the. If you are running a version earlier than 7.2.1, please see our about security vulnerabilities that may apply to your server. We strongly recommend upgrading to 7.2.6, or changing your configuration to avoid the issues. Upgrading to MassTransit 7.2.7: 1.

Download the release from. You will need to enter a serial number associated with a current Support & Maintenance contract. Follow the appropriate instructions at If you have any problems or questions, please email. Recently we discovered and fixed two security problems in MassTransit that may affect your server. If you have MassTransit HP, Premier, Standard or Enterprise, version 5.1 and later, keep reading. These issues do not apply to MassTransit Professional, Satellite or Application Client.

Please read the following notes to see if your configuration is affected. If it is, to resolve those issues please upgrade your server to the latest version of MassTransit or adjust the configuration as described below to eliminate the problem. Passkey issue Affected MassTransit servers: HP, Premier, Standard, Enterprise.

Affected Versions: 6.0 or newer. Affected configuration: If you use Web Clients with email notification actions containing web links including passkeys, it is possible that MassTransit can generate duplicate passkey tokens. If this situation happens, access to files by recipients could be compromised.

This applies to Mac and Windows servers. Resolution: Upgrade to the latest MassTransit version 7.x on Windows or change your email notification actions so they do not use passkeys.

Note: The last available version of MassTransit server for Macintosh is 6.0.2. We will be glad to provide a free upgrade to the latest MassTransit 7.x for Windows, which fixes the issue and introduces many additional enhancements. Active Directory issue Affected MassTransit servers: HP, Premier, Standard, Enterprise.

Affected Versions: 5.1 or newer. Affected Configuration: If your Windows based MassTransit server is using the MassTransit web interface with Active Directory integration, there is a configuration approach that may allow improper password handling for Web Client users. This can only happen when MassTransit is bound to Active Directory and the MassTransit Engine service uses the “NEGOTIATE AD” method to run as an Active Directory user. This defect does not apply to your server if you are not using Active Directory with MassTransit, or if the common method of using a bind user name and password are configured in MassTransitEngine.cfg.

This defect does not affect Macintosh servers. Resolution: Upgrade to the latest MassTransit version 7.x on Windows or change your configuration so it does not use the above configuration to bind with Active Directory. Even if you haven’t been affected by any of these issues, if you are running MassTransit HP, Premier, Standard, Enterprise, version 5.1 or newer, we still recommend you upgrade your MassTransit server to the latest version to prevent the issues from happening to gain access to the newest features and enhancements. How to obtain the upgrades: MassTransit 7.x can updated to the latest version of 7.x using these instructions: For MassTransit versions earlier than 7.0, follow these instructions to upgrade to 7.x (on Windows 2003 or 2008): Other notes: If your MassTransit server is version 5.1 through 6.x you will need a new license key file in order to apply this upgrade.

To obtain it, please submit your current dongle info / mtdongle.cfg file ( instructions for finding this information can be found at ) to Feel free to contact our support team at with any questions. We have tested the public release of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and have updated our products for compatibility with this latest Mac OS release. If you have any questions or find any issues with our products, please contact us at activEcho: The Mac activEcho client is fully compatibile with Mac OS X 10.7.

ArchiveConnect: Users of Mac OS X 10.7 will need to upgrade to the ArchiveConnect 1.2.1 or later Mac client software for Lion compatibility. ExtremeZ-IP: Users of Mac OS X 10.7 will need to upgrade to ExtremeZ-IP 7.2 or later.

ExtremeZ-IP 7.2 addresses all known issues with Lion, except for DFS-based home directory support. If you require support for network home directories that reside in DFS namespaces, we recommend you do not move to Lion yet.

Support for DFS home directories on Lion is in progress, but will require an upgrade to a later update release of ExtremeZ-IP and/or Mac OS 10.7. MassTransit: If you have Web Client users on Mac OS 10.7 Lion and/or using Safari 5.1, you will need to upgrade your MassTransit Server and their Web Clients to version 7.2.4 or later.

Please note that as previously announced, MassTransit Server 6.0.2×28 is expected to be the last server version that runs on Mac OS X and we will not be testing it or updating it for 10.7 compatibility. The migration path for MassTransit Server is to upgrade to MassTransit 7.x on Windows 2003 or 2008. ShadowConnect: Users of ShadowConnect will need to upgrade to ExtremeZ-IP 7.2 for ShadowConnect compatibility with Lion. The existing ShadowConnect 1.0.2 Mac client software is compatible with Lion.

If an expired WinZip trial has prevented you from successfully opening “.zip” files downloaded with the MassTransit Web Client, you can tell Windows to stop using WinZip and instead decompress “.zip” files with Windows built-in decompressor. Once you have done this, you can locate the files you downloaded with MassTransit in your “Downloads” folder (this is the general default setting, you may have designated a different target folder) and doubling clicking them will decompress them immediately. The problem File Type associations are used to tell Windows what program opens what kind of file. For example if you install MS Office, file associations tell Windows that a “.doc” or “.docx” file should be opened by MS Word and if you install an archiving application like Winzip, file associations will configure Windows so “.zip” files are opened by Winzip.

In previous Windows version, to view or modify these settings, we would open Windows Explorer, click on Tools, Folder Options and then the File Types tab. This functionality is not visually available in Windows Vista or Windows 7. In Windows Vista for instance, to modify an association we need to open Control Panel and select Programs In the “ Default Programs” group click on “ Make a file type always open in a specific program” And we can see and change the current file type associations. Still, this approach does not allow you to delete an existing association or restore it to its original settings. As an example, by default, Windows expands “.zip” archives when you double click on them.

If you install an utility like Winzip, the file association is changed by Winzip so when you double click on the archive, Winzip is executed to expand it. If, later you decide to uninstall Winzip, the file association may remain linked to it, so Windows can’t expand the archive. Restoring File Type Association in Windows Vista and Windows 7 Solution: Windows Vista and Windows 7 provide a command line utility, appropriately called “ Assoc” to configure File Type Associations. To run it, do the following: Click on Start Menu Click on Run Enter cmd.exe (The Command Prompt window opens
) Type: Hit the Enter key That command will delete the file type association so it gets back to the default (Windows) setting. If you want to view what the current association is for a certain file type, at the command prompt you type: Assoc FileType If you enter it will If you need to know more about the Assoc command and File Type Association, you can refer to the following Microsoft KB article: How to Use the Assoc Command to Change File Associations Tags:, Posted in. On Windows First back up your database as follows Once the backup is complete:.

– Click on Catalogs in the MySQL Administrator – Select mtdatabase in the Schemata window on the left – Click the Maintenance button – Select Repair Tables option – Select Use FRM options – Click the Repair Tables button. Redo the backup. Restart MassTransit. On Mac First back up your database as follows Once the backup is complete:. – Click on Catalogs in the MySQL Administrator – Select mtdatabase in the Schemata window on the left – One by one, highlight a table – Click Table Actions at the bottom – Select Repair Table – Select Use FRM. Make another backup. Restart MassTransit.

MassMasstransit Upgrade Guide Masstransit 6.0 For Mac

Tags:, Posted in. Summary: Group Logic supports MassTransit Server on Windows 64-bit platforms. Currently, version 7.0.1 of the MassTransit Web Client plug-in (available for the latest MassTransit HP 7.0.1 Servers) is supported for Safari in 64-bit mode but it is not supported for Internet Explorer running in 64-bit mode. MassTransit Web Client plug-ins prior to version 7.0.1 are not supported for Internet Explorer and Safari browsers running in 64-bit mode. However, you can use the MassTransit Web Client plug-in on a 64-bit operating system by running the browser in 32-bit mode. If you do not want to switch your browser to 32-bit mode and the HTTP transfer method is available on the server, you can use it to transfer files with the MassTransit Web Client. To use HTTP click, the “Switch to use HTTP” link on the Send Files or Download Files page.

For information about how to configure the HTTP transfer method, see the “Windows Web Configuration Instructions” document on the. If you are using Mozilla Firefox, you shouldn’t have any problems with MassTransit Web Client on 64-bit Windows and Mac, since all current versions of Firefox released by Mozilla are 32-bit. Description: To use MassTransit Web Client 7.0.1 via Internet Explorer on 64-bit operating systems, you must run Internet Explorer in 32-bit mode. If you use MassTransit Web Client prior to version 7.0.1, you must run Internet Explorer or Safari in 32-bit mode.

The 64-bit platforms of Window and Mac have both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Internet Explorer and Safari available. Set Internet Explorer 8 to run in 32-bit mode on 64-bit Windows The 32-bit version of Internet Explorer is available in the Start menu. Commonly, the 32-bit Internet Explorer is the default browser. However, some programs will automatically launch the 64-bit version of the browser. To check which version of Internet Explorer is currently running open the Help menu in IE and select About Internet Explorer. If you are running the 64-bit browser, it will say “ 64-bit Edition“ after the version number. In this case, close Internet Explorer and:.

Mass Transit Upgrade Guide Mass Transit 6.0 For Mac Download

Go to the Start menu-All Programs. Run the 32-bit version of the browser by clicking on the Internet Explorer application. Set Safari 5 to run in 32-bit mode on 64-bit Mac OS To run Safari 5 in 32-bit mode:. Quit Safari if it is running.

Upgrade Guide Mass Effect 2

Open Applications. In Applications, highlight the Safari application and press Command (Apple) key+I, or open File-Get Info. In the Safari Info window, mark the Open in 32-bit mode check box and close the window.

Restart Safari. Now, you can download the MassTransit plug-in for the Web Client and use it to transfer files. For more information about the MassTransit Web Client plug-in of MassTransit 7, please refer to the. Tags:, Posted in.

Summary: MassTransit 6.0 implements the automatic Active Directory account management feature that allows setting up MassTransit contacts, forwarding privileges and so on automatically, based on existing Active Directory groups. MassTransit 6.0 allows you to leverage the groups in your Active Directory tree to automatically create accounts and assign forwarding privileges. All automatically created MassTransit contacts will be of the Web Client type. Any existing Active Directory group can be designated as a part of the MassTransit Master List or the MassTransit Distribution List or both. The feature is controlled by the configuration parameters in the MassTransitEngine.cfg configuration file. For more information about configuration of MDL and MML groups see knowledge base article.

Description: The new MassTransit Distribution List (MDL) capability defines who can send files to whom. The MDL is a regular Active Directory Security Group containing users and other groups. It can be an existing group or a specially created group.

For members of the MDL MassTransit creates accounts on demand, only when they are needed, and makes these users available as valid destinations for files to be transferred. These on demand accounts are automatically purged after a period of time and are recreated when needed. Users that are members of an AD group, which is part of the MDL, can send files to the other members of the same AD group and to any users on child levels. Bellow are three examples of MDL configuration that will help you understand how this feature works. Example1: In the first example, the MassTransit Distribution List – “MDL Group A” contains two AD groups – “Group Dog” and “Group Cat”. Each of the two groups has two members. The members of “Group Dog” can send files only to each other.

The same is valid for the members of “Group Cat”. For example: “Gracy AD user” can send files only to “Bob AD user”. Example2: In the second example, the MassTransit Distribution List – “MDL Group A” contains two AD groups – “Group Dog” and “Group Cat” and two AD users – “Jake AD user” and “Rex AD user”. These users can send files to each other, as well as to all users that are on child tree levels – the members of “Group Dog” and “Group Cat”. The members of “Group Dog” can send files only to each other. The same is valid for the members of “Group Cat”. For example: “Rex AD user” can send files to ” Jake AD user”, “Gracy AD user”, “Bob AD user”, “Tim AD user”, and “John AD user”.

“Tim AD user” can send files only to “John AD user”. Example3: In the third example, there is one additional AD group – “Group Snake” which belongs to “Group Dog”. “Sammy AD user” and “Sally AD user” are on the lowest tree level of the MDL, so they can send files only to each other. In contrast of the previous example, users from “Group Dog” can send files not only to each other but to members of “Group Snake” as well, since it is also a member of “Grou Dog”. “Rex AD user” and “Jake AD user” can send to all users.

Mass Transit Upgrade Guide Mass Transit 6.0 For Mac Mac

For example: “Bob AD user” can send files to “Gracy AD user”, “Sammy AD user” and “Sally AD user”. “Tim AD user” can send files only to “John AD user”, since “Sammy AD user” and “Sally AD user” are not on a child tree level. Tags:, Posted in.

Symptom: If Firefox 3.6 for Windows is used with the MassTransit Web Client plug-in to log into a MassTransit server, the “drag and drop” area of the “Send files” tab appears black. Steps to reproduce: Launch Firefox 3.6 and log in to the server with a web client account. When you log in, select the plug-in transfer mode, if not selected.

If you’d instead like to have all of the images available to choose from via the System Preferences Desktop & Screen Saver interface, head back there and click the plus icon in the lower-right to add a folder location. A few of the images are duplicates from the default collection of wallpaper images, but most are original images that you won’t find elsewhere. Image formats with alpha. To quickly set one of the images as your desktop background, just right-click (or Control-click) on the image and select Set Desktop Picture from the menu. To get there, either navigate to the following location manually via Finder or copy and paste the location into the Finder > Go > Go to Folder window: /Library/Screen Savers/Default Collections Either way, you’ll end up looking at a directory with four folders. Inside each is a handful of high quality images corresponding to the name of their parent folder.

Select the “Send files” tab and observe the “drag and drop” area. It is displayed black. Fix: An update for the MassTransit server resolves this visual glitch with Firefox 3.6. A MassTransit administrator can download the file, extract it, and place it in the Group Logic MassTransit Server 6 MTWeb webroot css folder. Restart the web browser. Next time you log in to the server via Firefox 3.6, the drag and drop box will appear correctly, displaying the “Drag files here” text.

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