Notepad (like Ms Onenote For Mac

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Microsoft OneNote is a free form note application. This means that you can make a note of the whole page, you can paste in clips as reminders, you can create a calendar, you can paste in video to watch later, you can paste in ingredients for a recipe, and you can even put in photos. Creating a mood board, a collage, a to-do list, a blackboard, a packing list with check boxes, or a shopping list is all possible. You can also doodle and draw, insert audio recordings or MP3 snippets, arrange photos, save items from a web page, insert web page clips, and more! Basically OneNote is an all in one virtual notepad that you can do anything with! Because it has a Windows, Android, and iOS version, you can also take it with you on the go to turn your computer lists and notes into mobile ones. You can then use a stylus to draw, write, and more.

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Best of all, your lists and notes can sync between the two devices so that you can write anything anywhere and have it wherever you go. Do I have Microsoft One Note? If you have Microsoft Office or Microsoft 365 then yes you do have OneNote! Just search for OneNote on your computer to bring it up, or if you have Skydrive, click Create and then “OneNote Notebook’. If you do not have Skydrive or Microsoft Office then you’re out of luck. But don’t worry, EverNote is pretty close to Microsoft OneNote and can do almost all of the same things OneNote can plus a few extras. How to Use Microsoft One Note Depending on what you plan on using OneNote for, you can get started in a variety of different ways.

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Notepad (like Ms Onenote For Mac

The first step should be to sign in with your Microsoft LiveID so that your notes sync wherever you sign in with internet. There are a lot of different ways to use OneNote and here are a couple of ideas. First, if you’ve never used OneNote before, it will give you a list of ideas and instructions the first time it launches. You should pay attention and use this info to your best advantage. When you open OneNote it will automatically open all of your notes on the tray to the left hand side. You can choose one by clicking on it and it will open a new note. Each note can have nearly unlimited tabs so you can basically use one for school or work, one for planning a vacation, one for a mood board, one for recipes, or etc.

For example if you wanted to create a recipe book or a book for a single recipe, you could click ‘create a new section’ in a tab that you already have, or create a new tab altogether by clicking ‘File’ – ‘new’ and then choosing a name and location for your new Notebook. You will then be able to access it from the side panel whenever you open OneNote.

From there, all you have to do is fill it up by typing, clicking, or pasting anywhere you want. Consider snapping a screenshot of a webpage and pasting it in, pasting in links, adding in video, or whatever else you want. A couple of things to keep in mind include that you should name your notes to make them come up in search. You should also set the privacy settings for each note if you plan on using any notes on a network. Finally, you can change the settings of each note so that it either shows up on all of your OneNote devices, or just one, whatever you want. Want more information?


Feel free to ask a question about your OneNote and we’ll be glad to answer it for you. Don’t have Microsoft Office? Check back for a full list of the best Microsoft OneNote alternatives.

The iPad is a convenient note-taking tool for the classroom and boardroom alike. And while Apple’s own Notes app is more than equipped to handle any text you can throw at it, it lacks any breakthrough features to keep you coming back. The last company I ever expected to boast about having a better iOS app than Apple is Microsoft, but that’s exactly what I’m about to do. Is vastly better than the Notes app that comes installed on your iPhone and iPad. There, I said it. How is it better?

Glad you asked. All it takes is a finger (or stylus) There’s something intimate about seeing your own handwriting on a piece of paper, or in this case, a screen. With, you can jot down notes, or circle and highlight important bits of information, as you would on a piece of paper. With options to change the marker type and color, you can get as fancy with notes as you’d like. Not to mention, the doodles you inevitably end up drawing in the margins will look better than ever. All jokes aside, the ability to jot down notes without tapping away on a keyboard is a valuable feature OneNote excels at. Lacks this feature, but that makes sense given the smaller screen size—you wouldn’t really be able to see what you’re writing with your hand in the way.

You can type or scrawl, and everything is searchable. It’s all searchable The Notes app offers a search field to find information tucked away into a document, as does OneNote. But where OneNote pulls ahead of Notes is that a search also sorts through your handwritten notes, thanks to handwriting recognition. The only downside is you need to have a data connection on your iOS device in order for OneNote to do its magic of deciphering your handwriting. So long as you have a data connection, your notes are fully searchable within a few minutes. It even supports chicken scratches—I have horrible penmanship, and OneNote was able to easily identify my writing after my notes were processed. You can add documents, files, and pictures OneNote doesn’t stick to the tried and true single line format of text.

If you want to place a bullet point list in the middle of your screen, with a photo next to it, go right ahead. Additionally, you can add photos and attachments from outside sources such as OneDrive, Dropbox, and even iCloud Drive.

Those attachments then become part of the page, with the potential to be manipulated and used as you see fit. Apple's Notes sync from iOS to Mac. But OneNote also works on Android, Windows, Chrome, and Kindle.

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Notepad (like Ms Onenote For Mac

It’s multi-platform While we would all love to exclusively use Apple products, it’s not always possible. With OneNote, it doesn’t matter what platform you find yourself using, your notes are there. Using your Microsoft account, OneNote will sync your notebooks and pages across the cloud regardless of the platform your using. And OneNote is on all of them: Android, Windows, OS X, Chrome, Kindle tablets, and the web. When you want to share a page, you can either share a link or export it as a PDF and email it from directly within OneNote. Organize everything in notebooks Instead of forcing you to manage a neverending list of documents, as Notes does, OneNote provides the option to create notebooks. For example, you can have one for work, school, your personal life, and maybe even a daydream notebook.

OneNote's notebooks let you keep related notes together, a feature we love in Evernote but is conspicuously absent from Apple's Notes app. You can then add pages to each notebook, further organizing content within a category.

This makes it even easier to sift and sort through. It’s just better Microsoft has done a tremendous job with bringing OneNote to Apple products (amongst others). With frequent updates and feature additions, its clear OneNote has the advantage of Apple’s Notes. The five features named above only begin to scratch the surface of OneNote’s full capabilities. For example, the Mac app recently gained the ability to record voice notes—hopefully we’ll see that feature brought to OneNote for iOS soon. While there’s something to be said about the simplistic approach Apple has taken with Notes, sometimes it’s just not enough.

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