MindVision Software has released an update for Installer VISE, bringing it to version 8.4. Installer VISE is an installer creation app designed for software developers. The latest version features numerous enhancements including advanced drive detection and additional dock item support. According to MindVision Software: MindVision Software announces the immediate availability of Installer VISE(tm) 8.4, an upgrade to its product for creating full-featured installers for both Classic Mac OS and Mac OS X.
MindVision has provided Mac OS X installation solutions since May 2000, which allowed our clients to build installers in preparation for the release of Mac OS X Public Beta that September. For more than two years we have continually developed Installer VISE to provide rock-solid installations solutions for the latest Mac OS X technologies.
The changes in Installer VISE 8.4 include:. Improved bundle detection and display.
Advanced drive detection. Localization enhancements. Additional Dock item support.
Better error reporting and prevention. Other enhancements and bug fixes You can find about the Installer VISE update at the MindVision Software Web site. Users with current annual licenses can upgrade for free, while full version pricing information can be obtained from the MindVision sales team.
MindVision Software Building a Disk Image If you plan to perform all operations on your disk image from within the FileStorm project, you should skip this step and use the Finalize command. To build a disk image, follow these steps: Set disk image properties If the File Inspector is showing, click once in the background of the project window. Otherwise, double-click. Then set disk image properties as described below.
NOTE: After entering information into a text field in the Property Inspector, be sure to tab to the next field (or press Return) to ensure that the changes are saved when you close the window. Option Function Position/Size Sets the position and size of the disk image.
You may enter these values here in the Property Inspector, or manually move and resize the project window. Lock Position/Size Locks the disk image position and size. This is useful for ensuring that important portions of the disk image always display.
Disk Image File Specifies the path and name for the disk image file. You should replace 'Untitled' with your own disk image name. Volume Name Specifies the name of the volume that will mount when this disk image is opened. You should replace 'Untitled' with your own volume name. Custom Icon Specifies the icon displayed for the disk image.
The default is a FileStorm icon, which you may replace with one of your own. The required image format is ICNS.
Tools for creating ICNS files include Apple's IconComposer, Resorcerer and various Adobe Photoshop plug-ins. Background Picture Specifies the background picture for the disk image. The default is a FileStorm background picture. You may replace this background picture with your own standard image file. Icon Size Dynamically changes the size of icons displayed in the disk image window. Text Size Dynamically changes the text size for icons displayed in the disk image window. NOTE: You can use to save the following properties so you don't have to edit them for each new project: Disk Image File, Volume Name, Custom Icon and Background Picture.
Arrange the project window With FileStorm's WYSIWYG interface, disk images that you create will retain the layout and view options of your project. Simply arrange items in the project window as you would like them to appear in the disk image. You may also use the View menu to show or hide the Toolbar and Statusbar. (Whether you show or hide the Watermark, it will never display in your disk images.) NOTE: The yellow and black 'construction' Statusbar in the project window serves as a placeholder to reserve space for the actual Mac OS X Statusbar. It also provides a quick visual reference to differentiate FileStorm projects from the actual disk image (especially when used in conjunction with the watermark). Build the disk image NOTE: If you plan to perform all operations on your disk image from within the FileStorm project, you should skip this step and use the Finalize command.
See the page of this documentation. Do one of the following:. Click the Build icon in the Toolbar. Select Build Disk Image from the Project menu.